The Circuit Altitude

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The views from the mountain's edge

If you’re looking for an unforgettable experience, head to the Circuit Altitude for an adventure that is bound to take your breath away!

  1. Mt Ofd 180824 1361 Copy Web

  1. Mt Ofd 180824 0852 Copyweb
  2. Dscf6276

  1. Mt Ofd 180824 1278 Copyweb

  1. Img 0581
  2. Img 0582

How to access Mont-Orford's best-kept secret

Once at the summit, locate the antennas and take the path on the left that leads towards them. WARNING! The 4 KM trail is also located on the left in this area, so make sure you choose the correct one. The correct path will appear to head towards the other side of the mountain, but keep following the trail and you’ll come across an opening on the left, well hidden by conifers, that will lead you straight to the Circuit Altitude.

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